Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Review: Love, Lucy by April Lindner

the lowdown
Lucy Sommersworth is backpacking through Europe and her last stop is Florence, Italy. She meets Jesse and explores her days in Italy in his company. Once she leaves, her fantasy days in Italy are over and she's faced with reality: college, and the deal she made with her father. Once at school, all she can think about is Jesse, their time in Italy together and if she'll ever see him again.

In this young adult romance book, you find yourself wishing you could help Lucy and Jesse work to be together, and to fight for each other. With inspiration from Roman Holiday, you find yourself wishing you could travel to Florence and follow in Lucy and Jesse's footsteps. Lindner is able to make you feel the emotions that every teenager at Lucy's age has gone through and to hope that Lucy can find a way to make this relationship work. Its a novel that is meant to make you feel your first love emotions all over again. It's a wonderful book that you'll get lost in and never want to end.

the good
  • Lindner is able to capture the emotions that every teenager goes through during this time in their lives, especially while trying to find love. She really brings you in and makes you relive those feelings you once felt. 
  • The characters are well rounded and easy to imagine. Their personalities really jump through the pages and thats what makes them so relatable throughout the story. You wish you could join them and be there for them during their journey.
  • If you have ever heard of or seen or have been wanting to see Roman Holiday starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck, this book will make you want to watch it over and over again. The movie is an inspiration for the book and you get a sense of it throughout the book.

the bad
  • The book starts out great and as you keep reading, some areas do fall flat. The writing is great but a few more background stories could help. Throughout the book, you can see where more could have been written or more information could have been given. 
  • The ending of the book could have used more flair. I was expecting something a bit more than the ending. I thought there would have been more from her parents and then something more intriguing with Jesse.

the quote
"I should be happy, she thought. She felt like a kite that had reached the limits of its string and was being yanked back to earth. 'I want to stay. I really do,' she heard herself say, her words muffled by his shirt. 'It means everything that you want me to.'"

skip it/borrow it/buy it
 I bought this book with a promising outcome and I got it. I would buy it because it is a great young adult book every teenager needs their collection

overall score:8/10

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